My Journey in Finding Pamela's Gift
by Tess
When the idea of exchanging gifts came from one of the Broomsisters weeks ago, I felt immediately excited. This is my third Christmas away from home and I won't deny that I already miss the traditional Monito-Monita of the Philippines. Thus, when sisters had finally organized the mechanics of the exchange gift activity, I couldn't wait to go to the mall to get my gift for Pamela Anderson, my monita.
Armed with my only clue: lunch, my mission was to find something that will represent my new home, Tampa, Florida. I made some researches and even asked my husband and colleagues from work for some great ideas just to make sure that I would pick the perfect gift. I had so many ideas cramming my head that when I got to the mall I immediately rushed to the section I had in mind, but to my dismay - not even one from the items I wanted was available!
It was truly heartbreaking, I must admit. However, one thing I learned in life (and my husband's favorite saying): Rejection and dejection are God's protection! When I didn't find any of the items I wanted to give my monita, I took it as my clue that probably God had a better idea of what gift I should give her. And, true enough, after giving up my stubborness, it was then that I had my eyes on the right item. I caught it smiling at me while standing tall at the Fine Dining section. It was like love at first sight; I knew there and then, it was the right gift for Pamela!
Lesson of the Experience: Let go and let God! In giving, it is really the thought that counts.
on the way to the mall
preparing the package
writing a greeting card
Merry Christmas, Monita!
Santa Knocked On the Door Today
by Tess
My husband and I just got back from our weekly grocery when I got the BIGgest suprise of the day! Ho, ho, ho, ho, Santa came to deliver a package from an exotic state.
I was so delighted when I saw where it came from. But my excitement was suddenly belayed when I realized I already received my order from her. I thought, what is my beautiful classmate up to this time?
I got suspicious and thought probably she was my monita. As part of our Christmas tradition, I planned to wait until Christmas Eve to open the box. However, I was not certain. Thus, to my husband's insistence I slowly did a peek a boo.
Two wrapped gifts inside (yipee!)
A magazine and 2 Sinigang Mix (yummy, yummy!)
and finally, a love note...
Very sneaky, I didn't even think that I was her monita (surprise, surprise), but definitely I am VERY thrilled! The gifts will have to wait until Christmas Eve before they will be unwrapped; can't wait...
Thank you, Broomsisters for this Exchange Gift idea. It was fun! Let's do it again next year.
Ms. Betty Boop, you're awesome! Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Journey to Receiving Pamela's Present from Tess
posted by May
Tess sent me a SOTC package for her monita, Pamela Anderson. Since Pamela is my mom, I thought of saving Tess the "excruciating" shipping fees by asking her to send it to me instead so I can 1. include it in my cargo to save my mom customs fee and 2. so I can get a glimpse of it, to take pics instead. My mom has no time for this. Whatever Pamela gets will be displayed in our Manila house.
So I waited eversince Tess told me she already shipped it. After almost 2 weeks, it has arrived. Today I got a dilapidated box and the post office lady said "I feel sorry giving his sorry-looking box to you". And I said, no problem, it's expected. I have been dealing with shipping boxes (shoes for many months now so I'm not surprised). I was worried about was the "I hope it's not ceramic or glass".
And surely, when I opened it, there it was. A green cute thing broken into two. My heart was broken! It is really cute and I wanted to have it. So I emailed Tess right away to let her know what was up. We signed up for an international exchange gift, this is part of the excitement. I just hope Tess didnt cry over this.
So what can I do? If Tess didnt buy the shipping insurance, it's as good as money tossed. So I decided to do what I can. Glue it back to one piece. And I DOCUMENTED it and decided to share it on SOTC, where it should belong.
All in all, I wanna say thanks to Tess. I Love IT. I'm sure my mom will, too.
opening the box |
removing the plastic packaging |
this is it! |
decided to put it together with epoxy |
taped it to dry |
tadaa! as good as new (just dont come any closer) |