Posted by TM
(February 6, 2011)
I am sharing with you the homily I get from my attending the Sunday mass.
Today's Homily: Taken from St. Matthew 5:13-16
"Let your light shines upon every one, so that others can see your kindness."
The Challenge:
SHINE! Don't be afraid to protect the unborn children, safeguard the sacredness of marriage, feed the hungry, clothe the homeless, and be a salt to the world.
Lord, please enlighten the darkness of my life!
photo by Tess
Posted by TM (February 20, 2011)
Today's Homily: Taken from St. Matthew 6: 38-48 "Be perfect just like your Father in heaven."
The Challenges: 1. LOVE - Though shall NOT bear hatred in your heart. Love everyone including your enemies. 2. FORGIVE - forgiveness is not about forgetting or justifying; it is a decision not to fight back and retaliate.
Prayer: Lord, help me to let go of my old wounds!
photo by Tess
Posted by TM (February 28, 2011)
Today's Homily: Taken from St. Matthew 6: 24-34 "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness will be unto you."
The Challenge: Life is more than the food; body is more than the clothing, so don't worry for tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself. The virtue of hope is knowing that God will give us everything we need for our salvation.
Reasons for our Hope: 1. God loves us! He is not distracted by our destruction. 2. All sins are forgivable. 3. God desires our salvation.
Our Prayer: Lord, help me to seek what really matter.
Posted by TM (March 6, 2011)
Today's Homily: Taken from St. Matthew 7: 21-27 "Through faith we are saved."
The Challenge: No matter what challenges we are going through right now - may it be in health, job, relationship -fully submit to God's will. Let go and let God!
Our Prayer: Lord, be the rock of my safety.
photo by Tess
Posted by TM (March 13, 2011)
Today's Homily: Taken from St. Matthew 4: 1-11 "I am a sinner."
The Challenges: -We need to recognize our need for Jesus by knowing who we are and who He is to us.
- We need to endure temptation.
Our Prayer: Help me to be obedient to You, Lord. Let me free from my guilt and shame!
help me find my way!
Posted by TM (March 27, 2011)
Today's Homily: Taken from St. John 4: 5-42 "We know that truly He (Jesus) is the Savior of the World."
The Challenges: -To come with Him in FAITH -
faith that He will pour unto us this living water that
will satisfy us up to next life time.
Our Prayer: Lord, be the driver of my life!
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