Thursday, December 2, 2010


Creating a Narrative Arc
by May Rogers

SOTC is one great place to be in. I feel heart and passion in every pages. I read all posts and I noticed we have been neglecting the following standout pages:

- Gustatory Travelers (a compilation of food stories from places we visit)
- Couch Potatoes @ Work (stories about how our work spaces, work experiences)
- Travelogue (a compilation of travel stories both abroad and local -SOTC's ultimate goal)
- Quintessential Days (a compilation of holiday stories, what happens in your location)
Book Talk (a series of book reviews, book choices, what you read)
- Friday Night Musings (stories of Friday night dates)

How to update/post an entry in standout pages: Go to EDIT and scroll down to add new posts just like editing. Make sure to SAVE.

Suggested new standout page:
Beauty Regimen (share beauty items you cant live without)

Remember "Narrative Arc"
This refers to an arc in our stories pertaining to the beginning, the middle, the end.(summary from a writer's digest article)

In a nutshell -
Beginning: where we introduce characters, the conflict and the setting.
Middle: where we develop the conflict or the gist of the story
End: where we resolve the conflict and where the gist gets justified.

For reporting facts and NEWS:
Rule of Thumb -
1. Use the inverted pyramid (all facts can be digested at the opening paragraph)
2. May's Rule: The 5W (what, where, when, why, what else) and 2H (how, how do I relate) 
3. Provide links and proper credits due to sources.



  1. Very handy tips...thanks for sharing! Health and Beauty can be an interesting new folder in our collection of thoughts...:)
